Oncodéfi conducts research in all areas concerning intellectual disability and cancer (epidemiology, specificity of cancers, care, psychological care, biology, etc.), particularly in areas where information is lacking to improve care.
Listing | Theme | descriptive | Date | Status |
CHAID : (Cancer, Hérault, Adults, Intellectual, Disability) | Interventional study (retrospective/prospective) | Interventional study on the distribution according to organs and stage at diagnosis of cancers in adults with intellectual disabilities in the Hérault department | 2019 | |
GYNDI : (GYNécologie Déficience Intellectuelle) | Descriptive study (epidemiological) | Study on cancers in women with intellectual disabilities | 2017 | |
INDEP :(INSEE DEPistage) | Descriptive study (retrospective) | National study on the frequency of cancers and their screening in institutions housing people with intellectual disabilities: breasts, uterus, ovaries, etc, | 2018 | |
OSO :(Obstacles aux Soins) | Observational study | Study on barriers to cancer care for people with intellectual disabilities | 2017 | |
ARII | Dispositif | Action on the difficulties encountered when accompanying a resident with cancer in an institution in the Hérault department. | 2017 | |
ADICAN :(Adults, Intellectual, Disability, Cancer) | Epidemiological study (retrospective) | Study on cancers in people with intellectual disabilities in old age | 2018 | |
COLODI :(Colon Déficience Intellectuelle) | Observational epidemiological study | Study on the characteristics of colon and rectal cancers in people with intellectual disabilities | 2018 | |
ACERCA : (Action Connaissance Et Ressenti des Aidants sur le Cancer) | Observational epidemiological study | Study on carers' knowledge of cancer | 2021 |
Collaborations and partnerships
Thanks to its numerous collaborations and partnerships, the work carried out by Oncodefi is of national and international dimensions. A strength that allows research to progress.
NATIONAL collaborations
- Dr Brigitte Trétarre Director and Dr Faiza Bessaoud Biostatistician, Registre des Tumeurs de l'Hérault
- Pr Jean-Pierre Daurès, Director of the University Research Institute of Montpellier - Mr François Clerget, Ms Arielle Barraquier and then Mr Guillaume Suderie, successively Directors of the Regional Centre for Studies, Actions and Information - Occitania Regional Health Observatory: CREAI-ORS-Occitania
- Mr François Clerget, Mme Arielle Barraquier puis Mr Guillaume Suderie, successively Directors of the Regional Centre for Studies, Actions and Information - Occitania Regional Health Observatory: CREAI-ORS-Occitania
- Pr Marie-Odile Rethoré, psychologist, Epsylon Laboratory and Paul-Valéry University
- Pr Nathalie Blanc, psychologist, Epsylon Laboratory and Paul-Valéry University
- Dr Sophie Bourgarel, health geographer, CREAI PACA-CORSE
- Dr Anne Stoebner-Delbarre, epidemiologist, specialist in public health and social medicine, Montpellier Cancer Institute (ICM), Montpellier University Hospital
- Pr William Jacot, medical oncologist, Montpellier Cancer Institute (ICM)
- Dr Michel Fabbro, medical oncologist, Montpellier Cancer Institute (ICM)
- Pr Florence Cousson-Gélie, psychologist, Epidaure prevention centre, Montpellier Cancer Institute (ICM)
- Pr Bernard Guillot, dermatology oncologist, Montpellier University Hospital
- Pr Nicolas Sirvent, paediatric oncologist, Montpellier University Hospital
- Pr Michel Vekemans, geneticist, Genetics Department, Hôpital Necker - Enfants Malades, and Institut Imagine, Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Dr Grégoire Poinas, urologist, Beau Soleil-Languedoc Mutualité Clinic
- Dr Emmanuelle Samalin-Scalzi, medical oncologist, Montpellier Cancer Institute (ICM)
INTERNATIONAL collaborations
- Pr Gerd Ahlstrom, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden
- Pr Motoi Nishii, Department of Fundamental Health Sciences, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Tobetsu, Japan
- Dr Diane Willis, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
- Mrs Debbie Wyatt, Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of Chester, Chester UK
- Dr Nanda de Knegt, Vrijne University Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Registre des tumeurs de l’hérault Director Dr Brigitte Tretarre
- Institut de Cancerologie de Montpellier (ICM-Val d’Aurelle) Director Professor Marc Ychou
- CREAI-ORS-OCCITANIE (Centre d’Etudes d’Actions et d’Informations, en faveur des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité - Observatoire Régional de la Santé) Director Mr Guillaume Suderie
- Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique de Montpellier (IURC) Director Professor Guillaume Captier
- Réseau Onco-OccitanieDirector Dr Eric Bauvin

Dr Daniel satgé
Initiator of the project
Anatomical pathologist, director of the association Oncodéfi, Monptellier.
Clinical Research Associate
Dr Amaëlle Otandault
Clinical Studies Technician