

Thanks for the implementation of the Oncodefi project

Thanks for the implementation of the Oncodefi project

During 2011, two very generous financial support from the Perce-Neige Foundation and the  Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, as well as solid logistical support from UNAPEI, made it possible to set up the Oncodéfi association. The Intelli’Cure association was the moral support for the  implementation of the project.

Acknowledgements for the operation

The Oncodéfi association warmly thanks the following structures that have supported and for some of them support its functioning.

The following artists have generously supported by performing for the benefit of the association

  • Michel Raynié, flute
  • Martine Argeliès, harpsichord
  • Nicolas Dross, piano
  • Benoît Levesque, double bass
  • Philippe Charneux, percussion,
  • Franck Pantin, piano
  • Thomas Callaux, trombone
  • Dominique Bougard, trumpet
  • Jean-Charles Masurier, horn
  • Claudia Schweitzer, harpsichord
  • Dorota Anderszewska, violin

As well as the associations Montpelliéraine Zonta Club, Cercle Femmes d’actions, Lions Club, Rotary Littoral and the Montpellier Business School (MBS) The following people supported the association in a personal capacity Dr Anouk Poujol’s friends, Mr Christian Canalès; Dr Bernard Bret, Dr Martine Ruppé and her friends, Mrs Lucie Treussart and her friends.

Support for actions and mechanisms

Booklet Lucie is being treated for cancer

The development of the booklet “Lucie is treated for a cancer” (2013-2015) was done in collaboration with the CREAI-ORS Languedoc-Roussillon. This booklet has been generously supported by the ADPS Foundation, an Allianz partner. The booklet was distributed to oncology teams in cancer centers, university hospitals, hospitals and clinics thanks to the Terre Plurielle

Foundation and the Bouygues Bâtiment Sud Est Citizen Action Committee (2016-in progress). The distribution of the booklet in medical and social institutions was made possible thanks to support from the ADPS Foundation in partnership

Action Research Nurse Institution ARII

The action of nursing research institutions ARII was carried out to support the  Institutions in which a resident had cancer in order to facilitate his or her management and the follow-up of his disease in conjunction with the oncology care teams.
This pilot action was carried out thanks to the exclusive funding of the Malakoff  Médéric Handicap Foundation (2016-2017).

ISCAO device

The ISCAO system is provided thanks to the support of the Agence Régionale de Santé Occitanie. ISCAO was set up in January 2019 to promote screening, cancer prevention and prevention to raise awareness about cancer in medical and social institutions hosting people with intellectual disabilities.
ISCAO networks health professionals with those in medical and social institutions at all stages of cancer. Interventions carried out within the framework of ISCAO are free of charge.

Information actions and meetings

We would like to thank Professor Marc Ychou, Director of the ICM-Val d’Aurelle, for providing conference rooms, for the press presentation meetings and for the information activities related to the management of cancers in people with intellectual disabilities. We would like to thank Mr Philippe Saurel, Mayor of the City of Montpellier and President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropôle,for making the Rabelais room available for the public presentation of the results of the CHAID survey (15/12/2016).


The research developed by the Oncodéfi association was made possible thanks to the generous support and trust of the following institutions, associations and foundations:
Institut National du Cancer; AG2R La Mondiale; Association Française d’Epargne et de Retraite (AFER); Fondation de l’Avenir, Fondation Paul Bennetot ; Fondation Jérôme Lejeune; Fondation Obélisque; Ligue contre le Cancer, Comité de l’Hérault


International Symposia

The two international symposia organized by Oncodéfi in 2014 and 2018 were generously supported by the following donors :

The National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA), Perce-Neige Foundation, Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, City of Montpellier, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, Les Papillons Blancs du Cambrésis, National Cancer Institute, Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest, UNAPEI, UNAPEI 34, ADAPEI 04, APSH 34, League against Cancer Hérault Committee.
The National Cancer League, the Institut du Cancer de Montpellier ICM Val d’Aurelle, the Caisse  d’Epargne, Allianz, the SOFIVAL Company, SANOFI, the National Academy of Medicine
The Obelisk Foundation, the French Savings and Retirement Association, the French Hospital Federation – Cancer, Maguelone’s Companions, ESAT the Green Cross.

We would like to thank the association ADAGES, MACSF and Allianz for their help.
Thank you to all the volunteers who generously contributed to the organization of the symposiums

Acknowledgements to the media

We would like to thank the Quotidiens Midi-Libre, Liberation and La Dépêche du Midi as well as the magazines and journals Hospimedia, Le quotidien du congrès français d’Urologie, La lettre de la Fondation Jérôme Lejeune, The Royal College of Psychiatrist Faculty of Intellectual Disability, Le Quotidien du Médecin, L’Infirmière magazine, La lettre de l’ordre des Médecins de l’Hérault, Vivre Ensemble, Vivre: le magazine contre le cancer and Magadages.

Help the association Oncodéfi

All donations are important, big or small, and will improve the treatment of cancer in people with intellectual disabilities.