Cancers are as common in people with intellectual disabilities as in the general population but differ in several aspects. Oncodefi's bibliographic watch centralises specialised documentation for better knowledge.
Synthesis of the literature
Oncodefi synthesizes numerous articles in order to make the information accessible to all.
On the basis of more than a thousand articles on cancer and intellectual disability, accumulated for more than 20 years, the synthesis of data will be progressively put online on the dedicated website
It will provide information on the frequency and distribution of cancers and their therapeutic management, taking into account the specificities of the different conditions.

Creation of articles and reviews
Oncodefi conducts research, the results of which are published in numerous articles and reviews.
Books & Book Chapters
- Satgé D, Cancers chez les personnes en situation de polyhandicap, chapitre dans l'ouvrage de Philippe Camberlain et Gérard ponsot "La personne polyhandicapée, la connaître, l'accompagner, la soigner" Dunod éditeur 2ème éd 2021 pp 993-1002
- Satgé D, Bourdon N, Mircher C. A spontaneously regressing botryomycoma of the tongue in a young boy with Down syndrome. Journal of Tumor, 2019 -
- Cancers des personnes déficientes intellectuelles. Satgé D. Chapitre dans l'ouvrage d'expertise collective INSERM: Déficiences intellectuelles 2016 pp 1115-1132. Chapitre accessible gratuitement par le lien:
- Cancer in Children and Adults with intellectual disabilities. Current research aspects. Satgé D, Merrick J Eds, Nova Science Publishers New York, Mars 2011 (315 p)
- Cancers in persons with intellectual deficiency: current data. Satgé D, Sasco AJ, Azema B, Culine S. In: Ford TE Ed. New cancer research developments. Nova Sciences Publisher New York 2009 pp 101-138
- Satgé D, Axmon A, Trétarre B, Sandberg M, Ahlström G. Cancer diagnoses among older people with intellectual disability compared with the general population: a national register study. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2020 Aug;64(8):579-588. doi: 10.1111/jir.12734
- Rethoré MO, Rouëssé J, Satgé D. Cancer screening in adults with down syndrome, a proposal. Eur J Med Genet. 2020 Apr;63(4):103783. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmg.2019.103783.
Publications écrites
- Satgé D, Seidel MG. The Pattern of Malignancies in Down Syndrome and Its Potential Context With the Immune System. Front Immunol. 2018;9:3058. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.03058
- Satgé D, Nishi M, Sirvent N, Vekemans M, Chenard MP, Barnes A. A Tumor Profile in Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13). Am J Med Genet 2017 Aug;173(8):2088-2096. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.38294
- Satgé D, Nishi M, Sirvent N, Vekemans M. A tumor profile in Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18). Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2016;172(3):296-306
- Trétarre B, Bourgarel S, Stoebner-Delbarre A, Jacot W, Bessaoud F, Satgé D. Breast cancer and screening in persons with an intellectual disability living in institutions in France. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2017;61(3):266-278
- Satgé D, Kempf E, Dubois JB, Nishi M, Trédaniel J. Challenges in Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Cancer in People with Intellectual Disabilities: Current State of Knowledge. Lung Cancer Int. 2016;2016:6787648
- Tuffrey-Wijne I, McLaughlin D, Curfs L, Dusart A, Hoenger C, McEnhill L, Read S, Ryan K, Satgé D, Straßer B, Westergård BE, Oliver D. Defining consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe, using Delphi methods: A White Paper from the European Association of Palliative Care. Palliat Med. 2016;30(5):446-55
- Bourgarel S, Trétarre B, Satgé D, Stoebner-Delbarre A. Le cancer colorectal et son dépistage chez les personnes déficientes intellectuelles vivant en institution en France. Oncologie 2015 DOI 10.1007/s10269-015-2532-1
- Kiani R, Vahabzadeh A, Hepplewhite EA, Abbas M, Finnamore T, Bhaumik S, Satgé D. Overcoming challenges in diagnosing and treating cancers in people with intellectual disability: a case analysis. Tizard Learning Disability Review 2014;19:51-8
- Satgé D, Sauleau EA, Jacot W, Raffi F, Azéma B, Bouyat JC, El Hage Assaf N. Age and stage at diagnosis: a hospital series of 11 women with intellectual disability and breast carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2014;14:150
- Satgé D, Dimoux-Dime G, Godard W, De Fréminville B. Adolescent girl with Down syndrome and lumbar cutaneous melanoma. Pediatr Dermatol 2014;31:108-9
- Satgé D, Salmeron S, Homsi T, Réthoré M-O, Tredaniel J, Adenocarcinoma of the lung in Down syndrome: First clinical report. Tumori 2013;99: e169-e171
- Satgé D, Leduc B, Raffi F, Roux E. Adenocarcinoma of the Right Breast in a Man with Intellectual Disability, Case Reports in Oncological Medicine 2013 Article ID 968035, 3 pages
- Satgé D, Stiller CA, Rutkowski S, von Bueren AO, Lacour B, Sommelet D, Nishi M, Massimino M, Garré ML, Moreno F, Hasle H, Jakab Z, Greenberg M, von der Weid N, Kuehni C, Zurriaga O, Vicente ML, Peris-Bonet R, Benesch M, Vekemans M, Sullivan SG, Rickert C. A very rare cancer in Down syndrome: medulloblastoma. Epidemiological data from 13 countries. J Neurooncol 2013;112:107-14
- Satgé D, Clémenson P, Nishi M, Clémenson A, Hennequin M, Pacaut C, Mortier J, Culine S. A mucoepidermoid carcinoma in a young man with intellectual disability. Review of oral cancer in people with intellectual disability. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology 2013;115:e22-7
- Satgé D, Nishi M, Culine S, Hennequin M. Awareness on oral cancer in people with intellectual disability. Oral Oncol 2012;48: e44-e45
- Satgé D, Vekemans M. Down syndrome patients are less likely to develop some (but not all) malignant solid tumours. Clinical Genetics 2011;79:289-90
- Satgé D, Merrick-Kenig E, Kandel I, Morad M, Merrick J. Cancer mortality in residential care centers for persons with intellectual disability in Israel 1991-2005. Int J Child Health Hum Dev 2010;3:213-28
- Kiani R, Tyrer F, Shaikh A, Satgé D. Cancer deaths in people with moderate to profound intellectual disabilities: the Leicestershire experience 1993-2006. Int J Child Health Hum Dev 2010;3:215-21
- Vérité C, Satgé D, Rullier A, Taine L, Saura R, Rooryck C, Arveiler B, Perel Y, Lacombe D. Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma and intellectual disability in a child with constitutional subtelomeric 13q deletion and 15q trisomy. Int J Child Health Hum Dev 2010;3:231-36
- Sullivan SG, Satgé D, Willis DS. Cervical cancer surveillance in women with learning disabilities. Int J Child Health Hum Dev 2010;3:157-63
- Satgé D, De Lonlay P. A review of neoplasms in persons with intellectual disability related to inherited metabolic disorders. Int J Child Health Hum Dev 2010;3:165-71
A bibliographic watch is carried out on the website for health professionals. This site centralizes all the worldwide articles dealing with cancer and intellectual disability. is the second website of the association that gathers many scientific articles on cancer and intellectual disability. It aims to become a reference site in these fields so that the medical profession can have access to all these articles in a single site. The site is regularly updated with new content thanks to the bibliographic watch carried out. Numerous cancers and different intellectual disabilities are listed.

Dr Daniel satgé
nitiator of the project
Anatomical pathologist, director of the association Oncodéfi, Monptellier.
Clinical Study Technician