Intervention ISCAO
Iscao (Nurse support in the management of cancer in people with intellectual disabilities, Occitania region) is a unique system in France consisting of two nurses who raise awareness and support medico-social establishments in the management of cancer and help coordinate the many actors involved in the care process.
Mission Inform
Iscao organises numerous awareness-raising sessions for professionals and people with intellectual disabilities to promote knowledge about cancer.
Mission Coordinate
The management of cancer in an intellectually disabled person involves many actors from the medical, paramedical and educational sectors as well as families. Iscao coordinates them in order to offer optimal support.
Mission support
Iscao accompanies professional carers in their treatment of cancer in a person with intellectual disabilities in accordance with fundamental ethical principles.
Cancers are as common in people with intellectual disabilities as in the general population, but they are different and, above all, poorly understood, which leads to difficulties in diagnosis and management.

Cancers are often discovered late, and for this reason their treatment is more cumbersome, more difficult and the chances of recovery are lower.
The difficulties are exacerbated by a lack of links between health care teams and professionals in medico-social institutions. For this reason, cancer screening and prevention are very important.
ISCAO was set up in January 2019 within Oncodéfi, an association under the law of 1901, which aims to provide optimal cancer care, from prevention and screening to treatment and follow-up, for people with intellectual disabilities.

To inform about prevention, screening for cancer and warning signs.
The Monique booklet is made up of texts and images that explain in a simple and adapted way the three organised cancer screenings in France: breast, colon and cervix. It was produced in 2020 by the Iscao team with the support of the ADPS Foundation, a partner of Allianz, and the ARS Occitanie. Available since March 2021, it is available free of charge in paper format and will soon be available online in digital format on the website.
ISCaO accompanies the medico-social teams that take care of people with intellectual disabilities in the Occitanie region.
We go directly to the institutions at their request. The aim is to create a space for exchange between the professionals involved in the care and to take stock of the evolution of the person’s illness. From there, we work with various partners who can support the teams at this difficult time.

Working in conjunction with the Montpellier Cancer Institute (ICM), with hospitals and clinics, and in collaboration with the Onco-Occitania cancer network and medico-social establishments.
The Liaison booklet was produced in 2020 by the Iscao team to facilitate contacts and promote the exchange of information between the cancer care teams and the families and institutions in which a person with an intellectual disability is being treated for cancer. The booklet is available in paper format free of charge from the association.
Any intervention is subject to the written agreement of the director of the establishment.
They can be done by : On-site interventions in the institutions or by videoconferences.
Interventions carried out within the framework of ISCAO are free of charge.

Manon Vulcano
Liaison Nurse

Pauline Bonnefoy
Liaison Nurse